Shin1 #902, Itsukaichi Campus, Hiroshima Institute of Techonology
2-1-1 Miyake, Saeki-ku, Hiroshima
Lets talk and ask if you have anything you don't know about Unity.(Also someone may teach Metaseqoia, MikuMikuDance, Inkscape.)
Everyone is welcome, A Beginner is very welcome! ( I am a beginner too.)
Projector is installed in the room, so you can test of game and Lightning Talk. also, you can use Kinect and a book of Unity.
13:30 - 18:30, 26 May, 2014
OK join in and walk out midway.
Itsukaichi Campus, Hiroshima Institute of Techonology. "Moshikashite Hirokoudai ( Maybe Hiroshima Institute of Techonology.)" is well-known phrase for local people in Hiroshima.
Sorry, you CANNOT stop a such of car at the campus. so come by public transpotation.
*About accsess :
* How to go to Shin1 #902 :
You can use a students' dining hall in the campus. Check a follow links.
*LeafGarden :
*Abebe dining hall :
・You can use Wi-Fi by eduroam in the room. use tethering, if you cannot use eduroam.
・You can use a power source in the room.
・Please make the happy atmosphere together.
・"Great 'hogehoge'!!" is NEW IT workshop style and contrived by Tomohiko Himura.
ワシらとUnityでゲームをこさえようや! 広島のUnity勉強会は、広島市を中心に活動しているゲーム制作コミュニティです。 もくもく会やUnityセミナー、講座、ゲームジャムなどを開催しています。 詳しい内容はホームページでご覧ください。
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